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What is .tz second level domain?

.tz second level domain is another type of .tz domain name offered by Tanzania Communication regulatory Authority (TCRA) in parallel with other third level domains such as .co.tz, .or.tz and etc. Second level domain is a premium .tz domain which is elegant, easy to remember and also sounds more professional than third level domain. Imagine, your instagram page is @michongotz and now your domain is michongo.tz, it's amazing, right? that is what we call a second level .tz domain.

What is registration Process?

Registration of .tz domain is very simple, just like other .tz domains, you can register second level .tz domain through any TCRA accredited registrars such as Duhosting, Kilihost, Extremeweb Technologies and etc. You can find the list of accredited registrars here https://karibu.tz/domains/registrars/

Who can register .tz domain?

Anyone can register .tz domain, but for the time being, priority is given to existing third level .tz domains and trademark owners, for example if i own dudumizi.co.tz or trademark for TanzMED then i get first priority to register dudumizi.tz and tanzmed.tz respectively.

What is priority dates?

As mentioned above, existing third level .tz domain owners (those registered before march 1, 2022) and trademark owners have given first priority to register .tz second level domain within time period before its open to general public.

If you own .tz domain and interested to get .tz second level domain, you have to do reservation before the following dates;

a) The first phase involves 92 days from 1st March, 2022 to 31st May,2022 both days inclusive; and

b) The second phase involves 30days from 1st June, 2022 to 30th  June,2022.

Can i register any domain i want?

No, in order to protect some common or official names, TCRA have blocked registration for some names. Apart from that list, all other domains are available for registration. You can find a full list of blocked names here 

How long does it take for registration to complete?

For now (during priority period), Registration take atleast two working days but not more than one week for entire process to complete. This process require some manual works which delays its process.

.tz second level Domain registration flow

Can i start using my domain soon after registration confirmation?

NO, although your domain has already registered into registry, but it will not be published in zone until July 1, 2022. Meaning, once you have successful resgitered your .tz second level domain, no one can register it for now but you wont be able to use it before until July 1. This is because, TCRA want to ensure proper management and priority confirmation.

When will it open for public?

Starting from 1st July, 2022, all .tz second domains will be open to general public for registration, anyone can register any domain except reserved domains. The process will back to normal and you can get your domain instantly just like .tz third level domains direct from .tz domain registration page.

And, what is the price?

This is premium domain, it's more expensive than third level domains. TCRA indicative Registration price is 100,000/= but you can get cheaper than that, for example, we at Duhosting are selling it at 95,000/= before July 1. Hurry up!

Regulations and Guidelines

The following list provide useful documnets from TCRA which may help your understanding

2 Guidelines of DOT TZ Second Level Domain Names
3 Priority Status Terms and Conditions for Second Level Registration of dot TZ Domain names
4 Second level reserved names list
Grab your .tz Now

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